An Attic Red figured amphora
An Attic Red figured amphora
An Attic Red figured amphora
An Attic Red figured amphora
An Attic Red figured amphora
An Attic Red figured amphora
A Northern Queensland rainforest shield
A Northern Queensland rainforest shield
A North Queensland rainforest wooden shield
A Dogon miniature wooden ladder.
A Dogon miniature wooden ladder.
A Dogon miniature wooden ladder.
West African wooden whistle with a lovely glossy patina
West African wooden whistle with a lovely glossy patina
West African wooden whistle with a lovely glossy patina
An archaic Dogon hard stone zoomorphic figure with simian features
An archaic Dogon hard stone zoomorphic figure with simian features
An archaic Dogon hard stone zoomorphic figure with simian features.
A very old Lega hollow standing figure carved from hippopotamus ivory; beautiful honey patina
A very old Lega hollow standing figure carved from hippopotamus ivory; beautiful honey patina
A very old Lega hollow standing figure carved from hippopotamus ivory; beautiful honey patina.
An old Lega hollow standing bone female ancestor figure
An old Lega hollow standing bone female ancestor figure
An old Lega hollow standing bone female ancestor figure.
A fragment from a very old Solomons grave ornament, barava, fashioned from fossilized shell.
A fragment from a very old Solomons grave ornament, barava, fashioned from fossilized shell.
A fragment from a very old Solomons grave ornament, barava, fashioned from fossilized shell.
A fragment from a very old Solomons grave ornament, barava, fashioned from fossilized shell.
A fragment from a very old Solomons grave ornament, barava, fashioned from fossilized shell.
A fragment from a very old Solomons grave ornament, barava, fashioned from fossilized shell.